
Recent research dealt with the basic forgeability of aluminium-matrix composites produced under laboratory conditions. These research projects concentrated on metallurgy and, by deriving flow curves, on formability. In contrast to laboratory conditions, the industrial use requires large batches of raw materials and takes place under real conditions. Those conditions have not yet been analysed. This paper describes the combination of mechanical advantages of aluminium-matrix composites and a flashless forging process. The advantages can be outlined as higher part strength, compared to conventional forging parts with the same weight. Newly derived flow curves demonstrate formability and were used to evaluate basic forging parameters. The first forging trials in a conventional forging process using a high forging rate resulted in broken parts and therefore required a reduced deformation rate. The matrix slug material provides a higher deformation rate but has to be reduced, due to the use of MMCs. Using a conventional forging press (e.g. screw press) causes material failures likes cracks, because forging Al-MMCs requires a reduced forming speed of 20 mm/s. Reducing the forming speed, hydraulic presses are recommended. FE-analysis of the newly developed flashless forging process is described and depicts the basic forming operations (spreading, elongating and climbing) of the material in the forging die. Altogether a new strategy for a flashless forging process layout with Al-MMC is shown.

forging, flashless, aluminium, matrix, composite, characterization, upsetting, FEA, simulation, tool

The lecture introduced IPH – Institut für Integrierte Produktion Hannover gGmbH with its three fields of activity: forming technology, logistics and automation technology. Furthermore, research and consulting projects were discussed. In addition, the challenges regarding the planing of adaptable factories were presented as a major focus of current research.

research and development, factory layout planning, resource efficiency, adaptability

The lecture introduced IPH – Institut für Integrierte Produktion Hannover gGmbH with its three fields of activity: forming technology, logistics and automation technology. Furthermore, research and consulting projects were discussed. In addition, the challenges regarding the planing of adaptable factories were presented as a major focus of current research.

research and development, factory layout planning, resource efficiency, adaptability

The lecture introduced IPH – Institut für Integrierte Produktion Hannover gGmbH with its three fields of activity: forming technology, logistics and automation technology. Furthermore, research and consulting projects were discussed. In addition, the challenges regarding the planing of adaptable factories were presented as a major focus of current research.

factory layout planning, practical use case, adaptability

The lecture introduced IPH – Institut für Integrierte Produktion Hannover gGmbH with its three fields of activity: forming technology, logistics and automation technology. Furthermore, research and consulting projects were discussed. In addition, the challenges regarding the production of large-scale products were presented as a major focus of current research.

research and development, xxl products, large-scale products, production technology, logistics, auto

The design of the delivery concept represents a decisive competitive factor for companies, since this significantly affects the throughput time and inventory levels. This paper explains how environmental issues can be quantified in addition to the conventional types of costs and presents a method for the selection and design of a delivery concept.

ecological costs, delivery concepts, logistics costs, procurement

Indoor positioning is an enabling technology for advanced intra-logistic applications that employ tracking and tracing of goods and vehicles. For these applications, a positioning technology must otTer a sufficient trade-off between accuracy, range, and costs. In this paper we present a novel positioning system based on optical technologies that is designed for tracing vehicles in a logistic environment. The major innovations of the system are an active optical infrastructure allowing absolute positioning without any other data source, and, on the receiver side, a hybrid data processing approach that combines signal and image processing. Using these optical technologies, a high accuracy can be achieved at lower costs compared to other approaches. The static positioning error is below 0.1 m. The active optical positioning approach joins signal and image processing technologies to a low-cost and high accuracy system. While designed for intra-logistic applications the technology can be adopted other fields such as building and shop-floor navigation.

active infrastructure, data transmission, signal processing, image processing

With automated guided vehicle systems (AGVs) a trend toward intelligent, distributed systems is emerging . Here, the so-called agent technology, originally from the field of artificial intelligence play an important role. Agents are autonomous entities that make the basis of predetermined rules independent decisions. Tasks in a AGV system such as the award of transport orders or the pathfinding, can be realized by certain patterns of behavior of the agents. Together with the IPH - Institute of Integrated Production Hannover scientists of the OFFIS develop an overall concept for the decentralized self-regulation of AGV systems.

agv, decentralzied control, automated guided vehicles

In automotive industry, parts made of aluminum alloys are used with increasing frequency. During forging operations for the production of aluminum long flat pieces, defects like folds can appear. Especially internal folds are of interest, which are only evident in the fiber orientation and have a negative effect on the dynamic mechanical properties of the forged part. In forging, the forming operation can be realized either from one direction (uni-directional) or from several directions (multi-directional). The boundary conditions for multi-directional forging are described in this article. For a given tool geometry, multi-directional forging permits the realization of fold-free forgings, which has been shown to be not possible with uni-directional operations. A newly developed method based on Finite-Elements-Analysis (FEA) simulation helps with the design of the forming process and the determination of the appropriate tool geometry. A new algorithm integrates the computer-aided identification of internal folds. For a given process and tool geometry, the area with internal folds is adjusted, until the simulation shows no fold formation. It is shown, that by using this model, a dependable assessment and correction of forging tools and forming process and thus the realization of a fold-free forming are possible.

multi-directional forging, aluminum forging, internal folds, finite-elements-analysis, algorithm, to

In 2022 germanys last nuclear power plants will be shut down. In addition to the decision to phase out nuclear power a worldwide shortage of fossil fuels will lead to a steady rise in energy costs. Therefore the IPH develops procedures and methods, which will help companies to reduce their energy costs.

energy costs, occupancy plan, energy consumption

This paper presents the development of methods and rules for an automated CAD model building and cost calculation of tools. Starting with the strip layout of the product to be manufactured, tool models are configured and their components linked to production processes and cost data. By using artificial intelligence algorithms, the experience of the employees is taken into account for tender preparation.

tool making, tool shop, quotation costing, data mining, expert system

A smart option to increase the energy yield of wind turbine generators is to increase its height. There is an exponential increase of the usable wind energy at enlarging the tower’s height, but also an exponential increase of the tower’s weight. The application of lightweight design concepts in the production of wind turbine tower sections may lead to weight reduction while keeping the tower’s stiffness at an equal level. Here the results of a study for lightweight concepts and their implementation on towers and a guiding systematic approach are being presented. The investigated design solutions proved successfully in bionic, aerospace and automotive applications. FEA simulations were used to compare the different structures and to estimate their feasibility. The investigation’s main result is a lightweight structure which provides weight reductions up to 20 %, by using lower wall thicknesses.

forging, genetic algorithm, preforming optimization

In order to achieve higher energy yields of wind turbine generator, the most expedient approach is to enlarge the tower height. By increasing the height the usable wind energy increases exponentially, but also does the tower weight. Therefore in a research study several constructional designs for lightweight tower design have been investigated. The design considered several design solutions which proved successfully in bionic, aerospace and automotive applications. FEA simulations were used to compare different structures and to estimate their feasibility. The best-fit identified constructional design is based on trapezoidal sheet. The developed design enables a weight reduction up to 20 % in comparison to standard towers.

xxl-product, large-scale, xxl, wind turbine, wind power, lightweight construction, tower constructio

A smart option to increase the energy yield of wind turbine generators is to increase its height. There is an exponential increase of the usable wind energy at enlarging the tower’s height, but also an exponential increase of the tower’s weight. The application of lightweight design concepts in the production of wind turbine tower sections may lead to weight reduction while keeping the tower’s stiffness at an equal level. Here the results of a study for lightweight concepts and their implementation on towers and a guiding systematic approach are being presented. The investigated design solutions proved successfully in bionic, aerospace and automotive applications. FEA simulations were used to compare the different structures and to estimate their feasibility. The investigation’s main result is a lightweight structure which provides weight reductions up to 20 %, by using lower wall thicknesses.

xxl-product, large-scale, xxl, wind turbine, wind power, lightweight construction, tower constructio

The approach "Ident Over Light" combines the positive features of the existing Auto-ID process in a new concept which is based on visible light. The information carrier is rewritable and automatically readable both for the employee in plain text as well as for an automated reading system .

visible light communication

Indoor positioning is an enabling technology for advanced intra-logistic applications that employ tracking and tracing of goods and vehicles. For these applications, a positioning technology must offer a sufficient trade-off between accuracy, range, and costs. Based on optical technologieswe a novel 4-degree-of-freedom (4-DOF) positioning system is presented that is designed for tracing vehicles in a logistic environment. The major innovations of the system are an active optical infrastructure allowing absolute positioning without any other data source, and, on the receiver side, a hybrid data processing approach that combines signal and image processing. Using these optical technologies, a high accuracy can be achieved at lower costs compared to other approaches.

optical positioning, active infrastructure, data transmission, signal processing, image processing

Timely and simultaneous material supply for the final assembly stage of complex machinery and equipment is a logistical challenge. Performing poorly in this task leads to delayed shipments to customers and high amounts of capital are committed in incomplete sets of supply materials. There is no need for expensive software if data quality and the disposition processes are examined carefully enough to identify possible ways to improve the situation.

material supply, disposition procedures, supply processes, capital commitment, inventory costs, logi

For a systematic complaint handling the 8D method has been established. However, so far there are no adequate measurement and evaluation techniques to assess the quality of an 8D report. As a consequence it can not be guaranteed at any time that the complaint processing is carried out correctly and efficiently. In a research project of the FQS, the Institute of Metal Forming (IFUM) and the IPH - Institute of Integrated Production gGmbH an automated metric system for measuring and evaluating the quality of 8D reports was developed. To determine the metrics algorithms are used for text mining. Also manual reviews are used to realize the required range of reviews efficiently and reliably.

8d-report, claims management, complaint, quality management

This paper describes the development of a warm cross wedge rolling process with one area reduction. The paper also includes results of finite element analysis (FEA), experimental trials with a downsized work piece and the adaption to the industrial work piece in original size. In the FEA simulations tools with serrations on the side have been used. The downsizing method is explained and the difference between FEA, downsized and originally sized work piece with the focus on forming forces, temperature distribution and defects are presented.

warm forging, cross wedge rolliing

A suitable technology for pre-forming of highly loaded forgings is the cross-wedge rolling. With little effort, investigations are now carried out using a new module for cross-wedge-rolling with flat dies. To expand the existing geometric limitation of warm forged steel components, the cross-wedge-rolling at temperatures between 650 °C and 950 °C was investigated. In addition, first studies with aluminum using the new module are described.

warm forging, cross-wedge-rolling

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