Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Peter Nyhuis

Managing partner
+49 (0)511 279 76-119


Design and configuration of model-based rules. Disruptions in production with negative impact on the objectives of production logistics need to be identified and resolved. Small and medium sizes enterprises (SMEs) often lack of sufficient human capital to control the logistic relations in production and thus to realize a targeted improvement of a logistic process. Moreover, a profound knowledge about the complex relations between logistic objectives and measures against interferences in production is often missing. The missing knowledge of coherences may explain why aspired logistic objectives in SMEs are often not achied. This article introduces an approach for diagnosing interferences in production logistics and deriving recommendations for measures using an assistance system developed at the IPH - Institute of Integrated Production Hannover gGmbH.

assistence system, objectives of production logistics, diagnose of interruptions in production

A functional logistic strategy for production logistics may be deduced from a corporate strategy in order to ensure competitiveness. The challenge is to monitor the strategic guidelines by appropriate key data. When the monitoring identifies divergences, a diagnosis helps to derive measures at the operational level in order to ensure stable or improved processes. The paper introduces a rule-based expert system to help master these challenges. The approach is based on the production logistic objectives (low work in process level, short throughput time, high schedule reliability and high utilization) with their key indicators. In a problem solving tree, those key indicators are connected with further significant diagnostic key data, according to their cause-effect relationships. The expert system rules are based on the fundamental laws of production logistics by Wiendahl and Nyhuis. A diagnostic procedure for production logistics will be triggered by quality control charts in an expert system.

knowledge management in production and logistics, ict for manufacturing and logistics, intelligent,

Up to the present day, literature has already dealt with stockout-costs, but methods to quantify these costs have not been developed until now. The absence of these kinds of methods prevents an efficient logistic positioning between stockout-costs and the costs for holding safety-stocks. The costs for safety-stocks in a warehouse to provide a desired service-level can already be determined, but the stockout-costs connected with a desired service-level cannot be quantified yet. This article introduces a mathematical function to quantify the costs in a company’s production caused by missing material, depending on the amount of missing material and its missing time.

stockout costs, material shortage, service-level, logistic costs, warehouse costs

The increasing demands customers are placing force companies to cooperate closely in supply chains in order to ensure a high logistic performance. The customers’ demands also enhance the shortening of product life cycles which cause more frequent phase-outs of products and components in supply chains. Therefore today’s supply chains must be able to conduct phase-outs efficiently. This paper presents a suitable approach for a systematic phase-out planning taking the whole supply chain into consideration. The approach is based on the cumulative production figure principle which allows the linkage of supply chain processes. It supports an alignment of the lot sizes of the processes source, make and deliver to the phase-out production volume. The approach enables supply chain partners to identify possible cost reductions in terms of avoiding remaining stock due to nonharmonized lot sizes.

factory and production planning, networking in international production/manufacturing and logistic n

This article describes the logistic challenges of  producing in networks. Followed by a definition of a production network, the greatest chances as well as the potential risks of producing in networks are identified. The unique features and requirements of network production in comparison with single enterprise production are pointed out and the production logistic research need is derived.

production, production networks, logistics, xxl-products

An efficient logistic controlling conducting a diagnostic of production logistic with a rule-based expert system can assist companies and in particular small and medium sized enterprises to meet the increasing requirements of the market concerning logistic efficiency. These requirements must, however, be aligned with the company's strategy. Based on the company's strategy a functional strategy has to be derived for the company's logistic to put the superior objectives sustainably into practice. The challenges are the derivation and monitoring of appropriate logistical key indicators that represent the strategic goals, in diagnosing a dysfunction in the production logistic as well as in the derivation of appropriate operational measures to handle the dysfunction and thereby to support the strategy.

logistical controlling, sme, keyindicators

This article presents research results concerning the wear behaviour of precision forging dies within the framework of the Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) 489 "Process chain for the manufacturing of precision forged high performance components". The wear behaviour is described in accordance to the wear curve of DIN 31051. Tests within the scope of this CRC have revealed two different kinds of measurable wear, material abrasion and material adhesion. Based on the wear curve of an examined precision forging tool the threshold level of damage is determined. The threshold level of damage complies with the maximal quantity of good parts which can be produced with the precision forging tool. An approach to identify an economic lot size for forging processes taking into account the maximal tool quantity was developed, in order to enable an integrated production planning and tool maintenance planning.

batch size determination, tool life quantity, abrasion behavior, forging industry