Mittelstand-Digital Center Hanover

Theme Digitalisation
Project title Mittelstand-Digital Center Hanover (Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Hannover)
Project duration 01.06.2021 – 31.05.2024
Project website
Press release

The research project Mittelstand-Digital Center Hanover builds on the experiences of the project Industry 4.0 Competence Center Hanover ("Mit uns digital!"), which expired in 05/21. The background is the limited use of artificial intelligence (AI) in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Within the framework of the project, the digitization of regional as well as supra-regional companies is to be advanced and SMEs in particular are to receive targeted support.

Specific offers have been developed for the center to facilitate companies' entry into digitization. The application-oriented support offers include entry, needs assessment, skills development, concrete digitization projects and networking of companies. The services can be used across all industries and are free of charge for companies thanks to public funding.

At the Mittelstand-Digital Center Hanover the focus is on networking and sustainability. In addition, the IPH - Institute for Integrated Production focuses particularly on AI in craft enterprises.

The aim is to promote applications of digitization and in particular artificial intelligence in SMEs and thereby strengthen profitability and future viability.

Publications about the project

Development of a prototype for automated data quality control at Trivium Packaging GmbH, a manufacturer of metal packaging. The project aimed to ensure the reliability of production data for KPI calculations by implementing plausibility checks for machine and line status to identify faults at an early stage. The use of AI and algorithms to monitor and evaluate data quality in real time led to improved efficiency and performance of the production lines. A guide to ensuring data quality for reliable KPI calculations was also created to help small and medium-sized enterprises increase their competitiveness.

Data quality, production, manufacturing, KPI, metrics

Progressive digitalization and new technologies have had a major impact on the development of artificial intelligence (AI) in recent years. Particularly for companies in the skilled trades sector, the time factor is taking on an increasingly changing customer behavior, more complex and demanding tasks, and other challenges, the time factor is playing an increasingly decisive role.

artificial intelligence, craft, guideline


The project no. 01MF21001B was funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) in the research programme "Mittelstand-Digital".

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