Studentjob, bachelor thesis, project thesis Artificial intelligence in research and SMEs

Job titel Studentjob, bachelor thesis, project thesis
Start immediately
Theme Industry 4.0, Artificial Intelligence, Digitalisation
Project Digitalisation of bulk forming processes by retrofitting (DiReProFit)
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In research and consulting projects, we investigate the possibilities of using artificial intelligence (AI). Especially for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), the advantages of using AI in established business processes are often not tangible. We want to enable companies to assess the economic and efficient use of AI appropriately and thus initiate and carry out the implementation of improvements to processes. This not only has advantages for the companies, but also leads to more sustainable processes/techniques and to the strengthening of Germany as a business location for employers and employees.

If you would also like to actively shape the future and at the same time learn indispensable tools for being an engineer, then we look forward to receiving your comprehensive application!

Your tasks

You will support the project engineers at IPH in working on research and consulting projects in the field of AI.

The following tasks are possible within the scope of the job:

  • Research on the current state of research and new possibilities for the use of AI
  • Concept development and programming of AI applications for holistic use in industry and research, primarily in process technology
  • Supporting SMEs in the identification of AI application possibilities and implementation
  • Support in the preparation of advisory documents for SMEs
  • Support in the preparation and implementation of lectures and seminars in the field of AI

Your tasks will be adapted to your specific knowledge, skills and interests.

Your profile

You are studying one of the following subjects:

  • Computer Science/Engineering
  • Mechatronics
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Business Informatics or Information Systems
  • Industrial Engineering
  • or comparable fields

You are interested in production technology and would like to get to know different companies and support them in the use of AI or accompany exciting research topics. You also have good analytical skills and work in a focused and project-oriented manner. You are currently studying and already have basic knowledge in your subject.

Basic programming skills, preferably in Python, are required. Very good written and spoken German skills are necessary for the job.

A good command of written and spoken English is desirable.

We offer

  • friendly working atmosphere
  • flat hierarchies
  • independent way of work with flexible working hours
  • the possibility of mobile working/working from home
  • well-equipped workplaces on site
  • use of the well-equipped common kitchen including fruit basket
  • joint activities such as table tennis or traditional pizza lunches together

Your contact person

Marc Warnecke

Project engineer