Student job Student support in various projects

Job titel Student job
Start by arrangement
Theme Industry 4.0, Artificial Intelligence, Forming technology, Digitalisation, Process design
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We are looking for a student assistant to support us. Due to the different projects and topics dealt with, the tasks range from design activities and the construction of test stands to tasks in the fields of robotics and artificial intelligence.

Your tasks

Depending on your personal interests and skills, you will have the opportunity to familiarise yourself with a wide range of topics and learn practical skills to support us. It would therefore be ideal if you mentioned in your application which area of production technology you are interested in and what previous knowledge you have. In a personal interview, we can then take a closer look at whether and how we can work together.

Your profile

You are studying something related to production technology and ideally have previous knowledge in the area in which you would like to contribute. For example, if you would like to provide support in the field of AI, it would be good if you could programme. If you are more interested in the field of robotics, initial experience in operating or programming - both offline and online - would be advantageous. In the field of design, on the other hand, an understanding of systematic design would be helpful.

We offer

We offer interesting projects, appropriate remuneration and flexible and independent work in a great team. But even if you need help with your tasks, there is always someone who can provide support. Thanks to the changing tasks and projects, you always have the opportunity to learn new things and try out where you would like to develop in the future.

Your contact person

Sascha Eckardt

Project engineer